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14 Things What Men Don't Like About Women

Writer's picture: Metin TiryakiMetin Tiryaki

is one of the topics that are constantly coming up in magazines and articles, "The most loved or hated 10 of these, 10 of those" lists… I would like to make such a list today, about the topic "What Men Don't Like About Women". Of course some of them are general male behaviors and attitudes too, but women are on the spot for this article. I wrote based on my own experiences. In the meantime, let me state from the beginning that I am trying to write with a slightly humorous point of view so that I have an excuse to hold on to when I am later on faced with rude and chauvinistic accusations :) I do not intend to discriminate against sex, some of these characteristics are also present in men, they do not suit us, after all.

Sulking: Here is the most hated female act! You might be attractive, beautiful, charming but most men hate that sulking facial expression. Men would rather to see your smile. And it's a really common women’s way of punishing men by depriving them of sex, using sex as a punishment or reward. And in period time of course you are having aches and pains but don't use it an excuse to be an absolute witch. In the 2000s, scientists put an end to the debate on whether the sulking, which is especially abundant in women, is an innate feature or acquired later, with the explanation of "a behavior coded into DNA passed from mother to daughter". The world record for sulking women belongs to Turkish women with "once a minute"; "once a year" in European women:) Bun Hair: The most absurd hair style, which is not dared to think about unless if you will not attend to the Oscar Ceremony. Sandals: While there are as many differences as Elfs and Hobbits between Scandinavian women and Turkish women, I think our women's self-confidence can be explained by the fact that their women wear high heels and ours sandals.

"I'm Not One of the Girls You Know" Attitude: It's like we live in Netherlands... The girls we know (In Turkey), who can't go out in the evening, live with their parents until they get married, and say "it's not possible until they get married"... What kind of girl are you? Heavy Make-up: We hate glittery or shimmering make up in women, Light make-up is of course beautiful. We are talking about women who use palettes instead of brushes, get sponsorship from painting companies, walking around with tons of paint and spend the whole evening cleaning. Have a bit of pity on the men who are looking for a saved area on that face for a little kiss. Hair-Feather: One of the most repulsive things in women. Let's not deal with hairy things, of course, but no man likes to see a woman who is more hairy than them.

Nagging, Complaining: Even from the coolest girls, in the later stages of marriage, “don't sit there!”,”wherever you put it”, “I just clened it!”, “don't tell me it's okay!” It's a pain to know that you will hear the sentences "Are your mothers coming again, they were with us only last year". Long Nails: It's okay as long as it's well-groomed, but very long nails don't look as nice as women think. It is useful to be careful, especially when walking around women who make a lot of gestures. Hairpiece: This is also the new fashion, woman one day you look short hair, the next day Rapunzel. While the thought of having someone else's hair transplanted is antipathetic enough, "don't touch my hair!" triples are just as repulsive. Can't men caress the hair of their loved ones?

Bad Smell: Bad Smell, bad breath & discoloured teeth are unattractive. Okay, the reputation of men is mach worse in this topic, but the fact that it is also much repulsive for women too. It is necessary to fight with all kinds of odors, including skin odor, bad breath, heavy perfume odor. Being Kept Waiting: It is the destiny of every man to wait, no matter how much we talk, nothing will change, at least it is necessary to find an activity to spend time while waiting. Ex Lover: Men hate it when women talk about their exes especially. It’s okay to have a conversation about exes in general knowledge but we don't want to know your favourite positions with exes. Duck Lips: After Instagram your duck lips are the least sexy thing ever. Stop doing that, it makes you look stupid (I am really sorry to say that). Nagging, Complaining: Even from the coolest girls, in the later stages of marriage, “don't sit there!”,”wherever you put it”, “I just deleted it!”, “don't tell me okay!” It's a pain to know that you will hear the sentences "Are your mothers coming again, they were with us only last year". Shopping: Men don’t like accompanying women for never ending shopping tours, almost every woman likes shopping, but it is necessary to know the dose, it is a waste of men's pockets and time.


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