“In every chaos there is a system, in every disorder there is order.” It begins with the words of Carl G. Jung “The Fortress of Perception.” The 190-page book, written with a fantastic fiction on philosophy, chaos, science and coincidences, is read in one breath. Gültekin Karakuş's book, published in 2012, is the author's first and only work. Originally a doctor, the author wrote the book occasionally and completed it in 7 years.
The novel begins in a tavern in Istanbul in 1873. Levend respects and admires Tahir Usta's knowledge and culture. One night, Master Tahir says that the time has come and he is ready. That night, he takes him to a cemetery, kills himself with a gun, and gives the house key to Levend. Before he dies, his last words are "Say hi to Akil". When he gets home, Levend encounters a place with endless doors where all the books that have been written and will be written throughout history, while trying to find out who Akil is.
In the book, which contains a lot of philosophical, chaotic and mystical elements, old Turkish and Ottoman words are also used appropriately (I liked the Ottoman words because I like them.) Indeed, "a fantastic book that can be read in one breath but cannot be swallowed in one bite" Castle of Perception...
“Man,” he said, “at first thinks himself in the center of the world, son, but later realizes that the world is in a secluded corner of the universe.”
"Life didn't play games with you. You did. You considered your short life above all else in an eternity, and you couldn't accept the ultimate apocalypse..."
“... I realized that without knowing the past and assimilating it, this is valid for most subjects, the future does not mean anything. ...It is pointless to hear only the end of a beautiful story without knowing the beginning. ...
